Senna Watch.
Senna watch is basically a mass tweet up whilst simultaneously watching the Senna movie.
Now I'm excited for about this for several reasons.
When I went to the cinema (Twice) to see Senna. I went with two very different people who experienced Senna in different ways. The first was my brother-in-law who being 12 years older then me. Remembered all the Senna action and watched the races live at the time. The second was a friend of mine who being five years younger then me. Knew less about Senna then I did.
This made for great conversations after the film had finished.
I'm looking forward to having even more conversations during the mass tweet up.
Rumour has it that producer of Senna Manish Pandey is also getting involved. So not only are you tweeting comments to other Senna film lovers but also to the people who made and loved the Senna movie.
An extreme rarity.
And finally.
It's the Senna film.
This literally was one of my highlights of 2011.
I went to the cinema to see it twice.
I pre-ordered the DVD months in advance.
I even wrote a review about it. (You can see that here)
And has an ex film student. (That was three years well spent... ish)
It appeased and reminded me of my love for the beauty of film.
Something I had missed since leaving university.
So at 8pm GMT time in the UK.
I shall be watching Senna.
I hope that you will be too.
Wherever you are.
Whatever country that be
Australia. 7am (9th Jan)
USA NY 3pm
USA San Fran 12pm
Germany 9pm
Russia 12pm.
Just don't forget to bring your tissues.
For more details of Senna Watch.
Follow them on twitter @SENNAWatch
You can see my live Senna watch tweets at @squiffany