I have finally decided what to do about F1 fitty of the week, since I can't do any more current ones.
So I have decided instead to do a retro F1 fitty of the week.
The best thing about it. All the choices won't be mine. (Hoorah)
I will also be spreading it to other female members of the F1 community.
So if your interested in sharing a few words about who you think should be a retro F1 fitty of the week then contact me on twitter @squiffany or you can email me at squiffany87@gmail.com
So back to this week's retro F1 fitty and I'm going to start retro F1 fitty with a link to my last current F1 fitty. (Which if you missed you can see here.)
The link is quite simply family.
So this week's retro fitty of the week is Ayrton Senna.
Now like I have said in previous posts, I'm not into the tall, dark and handsome stereotype but has we know with Ayrton.
He was more then that.
His eyes told more of a story then any book.
Not only that but he had a voice that could melt butter.
But even better then Ayrton's looks or voice.
Was two things: His intelligence and his driving ability.
Ayrton had both of these in spades.
This made him the most rarest of drivers and the most alluring.
A beautiful man who had a lot left to give.
A beautiful man that will live on in Formula One forever.
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