Showing posts with label Banter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banter. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

This is the Box Of Neutrals F1 season review.

So this should be a post where I do an end of season review.
But I'm too lazy to do that. Really lazy.
So I'm leaving it to some good friends of mine.

Now a couple of months ago on FFF.
You will have seen my interview with the Box Of Neutrals boys.

(Wait..You haven't? Then you should click on this link immediately.
Box Of Neutrals Interview)

So now you have read their words. You can now see their faces.

Literally this Box Of Neutrals F1 season review is full of comedy moments and a lot of Aussie related banter.
I hope you enjoyed it has much I has I did.

If you want to follow the Box of Neutrals gang.
You can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Oh and if you want to see my F1 ramblings and general moaning at life.
You can follow me on twitter too @squiffany